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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Majority of Michiganders Want Paid Family and
Medical Leave Now

May 29, 2024

More support leave paid for solely by employers instead of

LANSING, Mich. — A new statewide poll of likely voters shows there is strong support in
Michigan for Paid Family and Medical Leave legislation that would “ensure all working people
have access to at least 15 weeks of paid leave to bond with a new child, address a personal or
a family-related illness or for a paid family leave plan.” Governor Whitmer included paid family
leave in her “What’s Next” list of legislative priorities and while the legislation was introduced in
both the House and Senate over a year ago, they have yet to receive a hearing.
“As Michigan’s business and political leaders head to the Mackinac Policy Conference this
week, paid family leave should be on the agenda because Michigan voters are demanding it,”
said Danielle Atkinson, founder of Mothering Justice, a lead member of the Michigan Paid
Leave for All Coalition who commissioned the poll. “A stronger future for Michigan must include
providing workers the time they need to care for themselves and their families.”
According to the poll of N=697 likely November 2024 General Election voters conducted right
before Memorial Day on May 20-21, 2024 using SMS-Web methodology, almost two-thirds
(63%) either strongly favor (45%) or somewhat favor (18%) a paid family leave policy. Support is
very strong with Democrats +83% (89% – 7%) and independents +27% (57% – 30%), and is
supported by a slim plurality of Republicans +1% (42% – 41%).
Respondents preferred a plan that would be paid for “solely by employers and not require
employees to contribute”, with a majority (53%) strongly (33%) or somewhat (19%) in favor.
Even when asked if they would support the plan if it was paid for by “new very small taxes on
employers and employees” a slight plurality (44%-43%) agreed.
Other highlights:

● Voters want the bill passed by the legislature this year. Fifty percent thought it was either
very important (30%) or somewhat important (20%) for the governor to sign this
legislation in the calendar year 2024.
● Another advantage for the state is that almost half (46%) of the voters said that if
Michigan adopted the paid family and medical program, it would make them much more
likely (32%) or a little more likely (14%) to stay and work in Michigan.
● Voters are more likely to vote for a candidate that is in favor of family leave and against a
candidate that opposes it. A majority (54%) said they would be much more likely (39%)
or a little more likely (15%) to vote for a candidate who supported family leave. And
another four-in-ten (42%) said they were either much less likely (35%) or a little less
likely (7%) to vote for a candidate who voted against the legislation.
“Governor Whitmer recently reiterated her support for paid family leave at a national Moms
Summit and clearly the people of Michigan agree,” said Monique Stanton, President and CEO of
the Michigan League for Public Policy and member of the coalition. “Before the legislature
breaks for the summer and lawmakers begin to campaign, they should take steps toward
making sure Michigan can join the 13 states and 40 other countries who offer paid family leave
for all workers.”
The poll was conducted by Mitchell Research Communications, Inc. of Lansing, MI May 20-21,
2024 by SMS-Web technology. N=697 has a Margin of Error of + or – 3.71% at the 95% level of
confidence. Details of the poll can be found here:


The Michigan Paid Leave for All Coalition is made up of dozens of community groups, health
advocates, labor unions, concerned citizens and many others working to provide time to care for
all Michiganders. Partners include Mothering Justice, Michigan Voices, MOSES, Oakland
Forward, SEIU Michigan, Michigan League for Public Policy, Caring Across Generations, A
Better Balance, Family Values @ Work, and others across the state.

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